Thursday, March 31, 2011

Time is flying!!

  Seriously I just realized tomorrow is April! Holy Crap!!! Well I'll bring you up to date a little bit on what March held. It's been a very stressful month and went FREAKING fast.  And I can't figure out how to turn my photos so turn your head :)
                                   Went to the Olive Garden and the temple with the girls
                                                           Hal and C are now engaged :) ha
Dear Sohea got married and we where her Brides Maids 

               JAZZ GAMES!

                                              Logan with some of the girls going to see Allred :)

                                                          FRIENDLING!!! haha

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Sometimes I feel like I am just the third...or fourth wheel with my friends. It seems whenever I ask one to hang out she can't...but I find out she was with another friend at that moment. It just seems to bug me, ya I get it that those two are like best friends, but it's like they want to shove it into every body elses faces. It's probably just me over analyzing  it or maybe I'm not, who knows. Anyway on a better note, my sister Katie got engaged yesterday at the Jazz game. Kylee came down with me WAY early to drop off the flowers, we had a game...AND they won!!! Seriously I thought I would never see that day ever again. GO JAZZ!!