When I was younger I never really would think about those who fought for our freedom, until my brother joined the Airforce. The older I get the more I love this country and those who fight for us, (probably because it has affected me.) It takes a great person to do that, they are so brave! Being a sister of an American soldier affects me and my family so much, my brother has served in Afaganistan and is currently serving in Iraq. He come's come in 2 weeks and I can't wait to have him back on American Soil. Those that have served, are currently serving, who are just joining, and those who have died for this country, Thank you so much! I have so much respect for soliders who leave their family to protects yours. This is especially the time of year to think about it with Memorial day and all the holiday's coiming up. So to all of those who are in the military, God bless you and your family and thank you for doing what you are doing!
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